Master the Ender Magnolia Trophy - Ultimate Guide

    Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist Trophy Guide


    • Immerse yourself in the eerie beauty of Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist, a dark fantasy 2D side-scrolling action RPG with a Metroidvania twist. Set in the desolate Land of Fumes, you play as Lilac, a skilled Attuner, unraveling mysteries and gathering treasures along the way.
    • With 40 achievements/trophies to conquer, including a coveted platinum trophy for PlayStation players, this game promises an engaging journey.

    Key Achievements and How to Unlock Them

    Achievement/Trophy NameDescriptionHow to Unlock
    A Fated MeetingJoin forces with NolaLocate Nola in the Subterranean Testing Site Ruins.
    A PromiseTune LitoDefeat Lito and tune her skills.
    Land of FumesEscape the Subterranean Testing SiteConquer Lito, collect the Subterranean Testing Site Key, and make your exit.
    ArtifactAcquire a RelicUncover a Relic, a passive item akin to Charms.
    RegretTune YolvanDefeat Yolvan in the Old City - Lower Stratum and tune his abilities.
    Man's Best FriendTune HatiDefeat Yolvan, converse with Gordon, and tune Hati.
    The First TrinketObtain a BraceletLocate the first Bracelet to bolster your defensive stats.
    InheritanceTune MuninnFind Muninn in the Magicite Mine Region and tune her.
    ChainsTune Shackled BeastConquer Shackled Beast in the Tethered Steeple and tune him.
    White as SnowTune GarmDefeat Garm in the Magicite Region and tune him.
    Scuba GearGain Swim abilityDiscover the Swim ability in the Subterranean Waterway.
    BondsEnhance HatiDefeat Vael and enhance Hati's abilities.
    Help YourselfObtain a CarapaceFind the first Carapace to activate a protective barrier.
    Totemic AidObtain a TotemLocate the first Totem for additional effects.
    GuardianTune LarsDefeat Lars multiple times to unlock Wall Grip.
    A RequestTune MotleyDefeat King of the Garbage Heap and tune Motley.
    Central StratumReach Central StratumRepair the elevator in Old City - Lower Stratum.
    Artful AttunerGain Attuner ArtsReach Central Stratum and defeat Gilroy.
    RefinementEnhance a RelicSave the Attuner in Final Disposal Site to unlock Relic Refinery.
    LamentationTune LuiseachDefeat Luiseach in Sorceror's Academy and tune her.
    VengeanceTune No. 7Ascend Battle Tower and defeat No. 7, then tune her.
    RestorationTune HuginnPursue Levy's questline to receive Huginn.
    Cause and EffectEnhance MotleyDefeat Declan and enhance Motley's abilities.
    GriefTune LornaLocate Lorna in Frost Estate Ruins and tune her.
    SkywardEnhance GarmEnhance Garm's Iron Stake after defeating Velgrynd.
    Off the WallEnhance LarsEnhance Lars' Grip after defeating Gilroy.
    Upper StratumReach Upper StratumAccessible after Steel District.
    DevotionTune ReibolgDefeat Reibolg after the first playthrough.
    Forged in FireExpand Craftory's offeringsGather all 12 Grimoires.
    The TruthReunite with LiliaFind Lilia, the protagonist of another tale.
    SuccessionView Ending AComplete a normal playthrough.
    The End and the BeginningView Ending BComplete a second playthrough.
    Uncovered SecretsObtain all FindingsCollect 49 Findings throughout the game.
    Nothing to FearUpgrade HP to maxGather all Charmed Ore and Charmed Fragments.
    Renowned AttunerUnlock all AbilitiesUnlock all Homunculi abilities.
    ArcheologistObtain every RelicCollect all 44 Relics.
    Carapace CollectorObtain every CarapaceCollect all 9 Carapaces.
    Trinket CollectorObtain every BraceletCollect all 21 Bracelets.
    Totemic TotalityObtain all TotemsCollect all 12 Totems.
    Supreme AttunerFully enhance all AbilitiesUpgrade all Homunculi abilities.
    EndEarn all trophiesUnlocked after obtaining all other trophies.

    Additional Resources

    • Walkthroughs and Guides: Seek out comprehensive walkthroughs on YouTube and other platforms for detailed strategies to unlock all achievements and trophies, including a 100% platinum walkthrough.
    • Community Guides: Engage with the Steam and PSNProfiles communities for in-depth guides and discussions on achieving 100% completion.

    Tips for Completion

    1. Explore Thoroughly: Uncover hidden secrets and collectibles by exploring every nook and cranny.
    2. Complete Questlines: Follow all questlines to unlock special abilities and characters.
    3. Upgrade and Enhance: Regularly upgrade your relics and enhance your Homunculi abilities to access new areas and conquer formidable foes.
    4. Collect All Findings: Gather all 49 Findings to earn the "Uncovered Secrets" trophy.